SMS Shayari has lots of Urdu SMS Shayari Poetry. Feel free to add your own SMS Shayari Shayari here.

SMS Shayari Collection

SMS Shayari and Urdu SMS Shayari are sent to mobile phones. We have lot of SMS Shayari to read. Send these SMS Shayari to your friends and family. SMS Shayari is a form of urdu poetry that is used to send via SMS. You can send these SMS Shayari to pakistan. People of pakistan are crazy about mobile messaging, thats why we have the largest collection of SMS Shayari on the web. You can read these SMS Shayari on or you can send these SMS Shayari to your friends.

Fly free and happy beyond birthdays

SMS Shayari

Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever,

and we?ll meet now and then when we wish,

in the midst of the one celebration that never can end.?

I?m lost in the middle of my birthday

SMS Shayari

I?m lost in the middle of my birthday.

I want my friends, their touch, with the earth?s last love.

I will take life?s final offering,

I will take the last human blessing.?

Last week the candle factory burned down

SMS Shayari

Last week the candle factory burned down.

Everyone just stood around and sang

Happy Birthday.?

us ke qadam jahan parey faraz

SMS Shayari

Us ke qadam jahan parre hum ne woh jagha choom li FARAZ


Woh meri ami ko keh gayi aunty tawada munda mitti khanda j

Anybody who told

SMS Shayari

Anybody who told you to be yourself simply couldn?t have given you worse advice?

I?ve seen more life

SMS Shayari

I?ve seen more life in a down and out?s vest.

Haven?t I seen

SMS Shayari

Haven?t I seen your face before ? on a police poster?
Look who?s talking ? I bet when you go to the zoo you have to buy two tickets: one to get in and another to get out.

3 monkeys escaped from the zoo

SMS Shayari

3 monkeys escaped from the zoo ? one was caught watching tv ? another playing football and the third one was caught reading this txt message

It?s the thing that satisfies

SMS Shayari

It?s the thing that satisfies
ur mind, body & soul!
Do it on bed, on a sofa,
in the car or anywhere!
It?s called Prayer!
God bless ur naughty mind.

Brains aren?t everything

SMS Shayari

Brains aren?t everything.
In fact in your case they?re nothing


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love shayari romantic shayari sad shayari nazam shayari